Friday, January 7, 2011

Sweet Surrender - Ishvara

Ishvara can be defined as the True Self, or purushaThe Bhagavad Gita stanza 18.61 refers to the "transcendental Self that abides in the heart region of all beings".   Pranidhana is to "throw down", "give up", or "surrender".   So, the last of our niyamas (yogic guidelines for living) Ishvara Pranidhana is to surrender to what is True within each of us.

As we shine the light of awareness on our lives through yogic practices, we give up attachments to egoic pursuits, identities, patterns, and delusions.  We live from Heart, Truth-- staying sincere to what is True to our experience with curiosity and interest and Love.   With bhakti/devotion, exploring freedom from the ignorance/avidya of living a contrived life of shoulds, expectations, and attachments.

Simpy living a life devoted to surrendering each moment to Truth.  To what you KNOW to be True in your Heart.  This Truth can not be taught, but only experienced.  The yogic practices may or may not ready you for the experience of Truth, depending on your sincerity.

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