Monday, January 10, 2011

Contemplating Yoga

"There are as many concepts on what Yoga is as there are people who practice it.  And the scope of different ideas on what constitutes Yoga is also very vast.  Yoga has its roots deep in human experience.  All cultures, in one form or another have Yoga...though not all cultures practice Down-dog, or Warrior 2.  Certainly, we call the practice of asana and pranayama Yoga...but Yoga is also so much more than just posture and breath.  Yoga actually includes our whole human experience, and every moment of our lives. 

Yoga is the universal aspect of our Heart longing to be conscious, to be happy, and to experience freedom.  So, there are many things that we can call Yoga, but in its deepest regard, Yoga is what we experience when we bring consciousness to our lives-- whether that is in a posture in a Yoga class, or it is in washing the dishes.  Everything in our lives can be Yoga when we are one with the activity or circumstance in front of us.  And, we can also miss out on the Yoga of life if we limit Yoga only to practicing poses, breathing, and chanting OM.  Practicing Yoga means giving up our small ideas, and embodying the Love that we are.  If that is taken care of, than everything we do is Yoga." ~Adi

Lets explore what Yoga is to you.  What does it mean to you?

1 comment:

DailyBandha said...

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Ray and Chris