Friday, January 7, 2011

What is Yoga?

Is Yoga exercise?  Is it breath, meditation, and/or spirituality?  Is Yoga everything?  Is Yoga nothing?
The most agreed upon definition of the Sanskrit word yoga is "yoke" or "union".  It is also possible that the word yoga derives from "yujir samadhau," which means "contemplation" or "absorption."  Historically, a yoke was used to unite a pair of oxen to allow them to pull a load.
In the west, most of us hear the word yoga and we think of a series of asanas, vinyasas, or kriyas that create a physical practice.  Experienced practitioners understand that infusing these physical movements with the breath, philosophical, meditative, and inspirational aspects of yoga creates a much greater benefit than just the physical.

The physical postures and vinyasas that are popularly practiced today are modern compared to the ancient history of Yoga.  Most of the physical practice we know today has been developed in the last 100 years.  Anthropological evidence, however, shows that the meditative and contemplative aspects of Yoga are thousands of years old.  Hatha yoga, or the physical practice, is growing, changing, transforming, and developing every day.  However, even yoga postures are just exercise unless they are infused with presence, breath, prana, and awareness.

Here's the thing...anything you do...walking, kiting, biking, sitting, cleaning, pruning, gazing, dancing, talking...anything...if done with real presence, infused with the wisdom of the breath, united with deep energy connection, and ultimately creating deeper awareness and loving acceptance in your life is further yoking or uniting you with what is True.  The realization that we are all yoked, united, connected...that ultimately there is no separate self.  We are all connected through a matrix of energy, life, love, God...whatever you like to call what is True. This is Yoga, and all its practices, styles, and paths seek to deepen our consciousness and understanding of Truth.

So, at Flow, as we add classes like Fly or Fusion, you will see that they are challenging the body in diverse and unique ways, but they are infused with the Heart of Yoga.  This presence, breath, energy, joy, and awareness will inspire and empower you beyond the body.

Thank you for creating a community of Yoga at Flow by your beautiful & diverse presence.
Our theme this month at Flow - is Yoga - all ways.  Lets explore what Yoga is to you.  What does it mean to you?

Much Love to All of You,
We Are One,

1 comment:

5Rythms said...

Yoga is widely known as a form of exercise that stretches and strengthens the body through various poses known as ASANAS. For other people yoga is the realization of inner self satisfaction. For others it is a religion that the believers ought to follow...