Friday, January 7, 2011

Ishvara Pranidhana

What does it mean to surrender to one's True Self?  Probably not what we imagine it to mean...  How does one go about surrendering to one's own self?   The answer is definitely not what we think....
To surrender to one's self is not a matter of simply submitting yourself to all that is beautiful and wonderful within you, but it is to also give up those beautiful images that we have of ourselves.  It is both the beautiful and ugly aspects of ourselves that are equally untrue.  Beneath the notions of beautiful and ugly, is a formless, shapeless, empty fullness that is truly who one is.  Allowing any image we have of our selves to be sunk into that to truly surrender to one's True Self.

We'd love to hear about what Ishvara Pranidhana means to you?  Has there been a moment of realization that you've experienced related to this niyama that you'd like share?

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