Friday, January 7, 2011

Santosha - Contentment

In Sanskrit, there are basically four words for happiness—sukha, santosha, mudita, and ananda—each of which points to a different level of happiness. Together, they constitute a path that leads us to the kind of happiness that really cannot be shaken. In April, we explore santosha or contenment.

Contentment is the afterglow of living honestly and truthfully. Santosha is present when we stop defining what makes us happy. ~Sybil

When we let go of our past stories, patterns, habits, that create our illusionary identity, When we surrender seeking or striving for some future happiness,

Santosha has been, for me, a real ego shows me something greater that letting myself feel disappointed or discontented with any given situation...switching it to being in a place of contentment or acceptance...I see that in some way we think we are deserving of a good day or a positive experience...I am the same loved and loving person in every situation and santosha is a constant knowing that my life is blessed and filled in every way...It has taken out the need to evaluate or put labels on my "special or particular way of feeling" I learn to rest into santosha or contentment and know its Truth.~Sybil

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