Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Winter - The Way of the Warrior

This year, your Flow instructors decided to explore the four seasons from the ways of the ancient healers, visionaries, and healers as four of our monthly themes. This month, we explore winter.

Winter is the way of the warrior.  The highest nature of the inner warrior is quite different than inner turmoil outwardly expressed as warring or fighting.  To guide in developing our inner warrior, we choose to show up and be present.  To show up with honor, respect and courage.  The Latin word respicere means "the willingness to look again." 

Mastering others is strength;
Mastering yourself is true power.

When you are content to be
simply yourself and dont compare
or compete, everyone will respect you.

~Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

We convince by our presence.
~Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass

A physical practice for winter's warrior energy is standing in any position (yoga or similar postures are widely recognized for their rebalancing energetic warrior power) with various hand positions, including the deeply powerful position of one hand on the heart (4th chakra) and one hand on solar plexus (3rd chakra).  Eyes are fixed softly on a distant point just below your heart level.  Here we are anchored in the energy of empowerment and heart.  Similar standing meditation practices are found in Oriental, Asian, Tibetan and shamanistic traditions.

Ancient societies drew pictures of trees and tree people to symbolize our biological need to be connected to nature.  Another physical practice for the teachings of the warrior, is tree pose.  A warrior's way is to be rooted, stable, yet flexible and bending in the wind.  Our roots are associated with the honoring of our past.  Our trunk the present life force and creative spirit.  Branches symbolize our flowering or growing.

Enjoy exploring your inner warrior this month - winter warrior words:  north, air, winds, winged creatures, tree people, power, presence, communication, position, standing, right action, show up, and dancing.

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