Wednesday, April 27, 2011

An Inspiring Story

One of our recent Flow90X contest winners shared her story with us - this is a summary of her words:

"I really was dead set against ever doing or enjoying yoga.  It just didnt seem like it was for me.  In April of last year I suffered a major and debilitating spinal injury during a skiing accident. I was left severely incapacitated and faced months or even years of recovery. During my initial long months of recovery, I suffered from a syndrome which damaged my nerves and left me virtually paralyzed. Working with a physical therapist, I gradually regained some of my mobility, but was told my recovery was now at a plateau.

Due to the repeated encouragement of my therapist, I reluctantly tried yoga. At first, I was frustrated by my yoga experience. I felt like my body was not moving the way it should, and I had to modify the poses a ton to accomodate my injury.  Due to sheer desperation, I persisted.  Inspired by the Flow 90X Contest in January, I decided to just come as often as I could and see what would unfold.  Amazingly, slowly, but surely, within a few months time, I have regained so much more mobility and function in my physical body.

But this was not all... I experienced something else.  I experienced myself completely, without judgment.  I realized presence, the true depth of breath, and discovered the mindbody connection people talk about. By following my intuition and listening to the wisdom of my heart, I became Yoga.  The yoga practice I could have never seen myself doing or being, became an integral part of my life. I now practice yoga frequently at Flow and attribute the recovery of my body and the blossoming of my heart to yoga."

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