Wednesday, September 7, 2011

August: The Red Wisdom Energy
You have probably seen prayer flags hanging, but have you ever contemplated their deeper meaning?  Over the next several months, we will be exploring each of the five classical prayer flags - their colors and deeper meanings - as our monthly themes.   Prayer Flags not only offer prayers that travel the wind, they each have very deep and rich meaning that points to different aspects of one's true nature.   Each prayer flag represented a different aspect of our unique and inherent wisdom energies.

Prayer Flags not only offer prayers that travel the wind, they each have very deep and rich meaning that points to different aspects of one's true nature.  The Red flag is represented by the lotus flower (padma) and sits at the western side of the mandala of being.  The element associated with the red flag is fire.

This month we explore Red and Lotus (padma) energy.  The Red flag is symbolic of the lotus flower and sits at the western side of the mandala of being.  The element associated with the red flag is fire.
Red padma energy is connected with passion, magnetizing, and the fire of living fully.  For most of us, we were not taught they we are inherently good enough exactly as we are.  We were taught to somehow be good enough we need to achieve something.  

For this reason, we are mostly driven by a deeper insecurity that we may not even be aware of.   In some cases, this becomes manifested as an addiction to intensity or sensuality.  The addiction to intensity can show up as overindulging, thrill seeking, seduction, and fascination with something in the future or trying to recreate a past experience.  Passion with something other than what is here and now. 

As we connect to a wiser energy of passion, we exude a fire and brilliance that is attracting, powerful, and unconditional.  This leads to a natural experience of the fullness of life, and eliminates the unconscious drive to try to 'fix' the feelings of insecurity through seeking pleasures, temporary thrills, and instant gratifications.  A self-existing wisdom of discriminating awareness deepens and we begin to see ourselves, our passion, and others from the standpoint of selflessness.  We see life and the fire of this human existence as an alive fiery presence that sees the real from the unreal, darkness from light, and bliss from suffering.

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