Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring - Healing & Renewal

Spring is Here - the Way of the Healer.  Indigenous and tribal peoples of each continent have differing perspectives, but there are also many commonalities - we are exploring them seasonally this year at Flow.

Spring is a time for paying attention to what has heart and meaning.  As archetypal healers, we extend our arms in love to acknowledge, accept, recognize, and express gratitude to others.    Healers recognize that the greatest remorse is love unexpressed.  We are Here to be Love, to express Love.  Expressing love in all ways is living life whole-heartedly.

To be whole-hearted, like the four chambers of the heart, we sustain emotional and spiritual health by living full, open, clear and strong.
* We live life fully by saying "Yes" to life as it is now. 
* We are open by allowing ourselves to see where we protect or defend and, in allowing ourselves to be open to courage where we feel most vulnerable, create incredible compassion.   
* We are clear when we take time to deeply consider and, when we are doubting or ambivalent, be patient and allow the fruit to ripen before taking action or making decisions.
* We are strong in our hearts when we live courageously.  The root of the word courage is coeur and one meaning is "the ability to stand by one's heart or to stand by one's core."  To move through life authentically, paying attention to what is real and true and present.

Spring is a time for storytelling, singing, dancing and silence.  Lying meditation with our hands at our heart and asanas that are rooted in "4-legs" are both practices that support healing and whole-heartedness.

I know the time has come
For me to walk through the door
To take a look at this critic within,
Who only wants me to listen
To what needs to be heard,
So I then can heal
and bring that part of me
back to me.
When I awake in the morning,
It is either the very next day
after many, many days
Or it is the very first day.
Today, it is the very first day
Of what exists now.
~Twainhart Hill

Many thanks to the book the Four-Fold Way for inspiring our seasonal archetypal themes and much of the content here. 

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