Thursday, April 28, 2011

Koshas & Purifying

In the yogic teachings, our human experience consists of five koshas. Kosha is a Sanskrit word meaning sheath or layer. From this particular teaching, we are able to examine our experience in five different ways, to get to know ourselves, our bodies, our minds, and our experience in a deeper way. This month we'll be focusing on purifying the five layers of our being, and developing deeper insight into the forces that contribute to our overall health, clarity, and well-being. The Koshas are:

*Annamaya Kosha~(anna means food) this kosha refers to the gross physical body composed of the five elements
*Pranamaya Kosha~(prana means vital energy) and refers to our psycho-physical being on an energetic or electrical level
*Manomaya Kosha~(manas means mind) and refers to the level of our being that is conscious thought, involving reason and logic
*Jnanamaya Kosha~(jnana means intelligence) and refers to our ability to discern truth from untruth, and comprehend the subtle knowledge of experience
*Anandamaya Kosha~(ananda means bliss) and refers to the part of our being that experience divine love and ecstatic joy

This month, as we explore the various layers of our experience we can focus on purifying on all levels to cultivate a human experience that is based on true love, wisdom, and peace. As Sybil puts it, "It is the softening and inter-webbing of all 5 koshas that allows us to know the truth, the intuition of each of us, the heart of each of us (the mana, prana and the anna of each of us) to know what is conditioned in ego and what is unconditioned and pure. It is the way of the heart, belly and root softening, and communicating so that truth rises up so strong and clear, without doubt or second guessing."
So, we'll practice purifying Annamaya Kosha with healthy food and drink, purifying Pranamaya Kosha with breathing and focusing our energy on what is wholesome, purifying Manomaya Kosha by examining our mind and its destructive habits and patterns, purifying Jnanamaya Kosha by seeking to know what is true and pure, and purify Anandamaya Kosha by celebrating life through devotion, joy, and service to others.

When all Koshas have aligned and exist in pure harmony Self-Realization results. Then, we are liberated from torment, and the doors of love, clarity, and truth are opened.

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