Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Tantric Wisdom Energies

From the Tantric Yoga point of view life is an expression of various energies, some pleasant, some unpleasant---yet, all experiences are seen as pure energy. From the Tantric viewpoint, life is a constant dance of shifting energies ~ the energy of emotions, thoughts, feelings, body, and even various states of consciousness.  Seeing these energies as neither good nor bad, neither right nor wrong, neither enlightened nor unenlightened, frees them up to dance with the stuff of life.  We can begin to relate to the energy of emotions, anger, hurt, sadness, and confusion in a way that is  sane, welcoming, and compassionate.  If we are at war with ourselves, we only produce more insanity, more violence. Understanding the wisdom energies can be a powerful opportunity to cultivate the brilliant qualities of wisdom and compassion, and begin to view life as sacred rather than a tumultuous mess.  Relating to the energy of life, rather than ideas about life, is a powerful exchange and alchemy.  It means unlearning ourselves, and seeing things in their true light.

These wisdom energies are represented in the symbols and the 5 colors of the Tibetan Prayer Flags.  We explored the white energy of buddha wisdom in July.  Last month, we explored fiery, passionate, red padma lotus energy.  In September, we explore yellow, or ratna energy.

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