We will conclude our focus on the wisdom energies that are represented by the tibetan prayer flags. This month we will be visitng vajra, which is represented by the blue flag and the element water. When vajra energy is distorted through the lens of ego, it comes across as sharp, intellectual, and bitingly critical. It is cold and aloof within the world of concepts and skepticism. When vajra is in its awakened conscious form it represents clarity and what is known as 'mirror-like wisdom'.
Vajra sees things as they are, rather than seeing things with ego, which makes us opinionated, judgmental, and sarcastic. The challenge for vajra types is to pierce through the fear of intimacy and embody tenderness through being vulnerable and open. The movement from the reasoning, intellectual doubter in the head to the clear sighted, vulnerable warrior of the heart is the transmutation of vajra from neurosis to sanity. The challenge is, as always, to stop living life from the head, and to live life fully from the heart.
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